If you feel bored to follow all the steps to shutdown the computer,than here is a tip for you.You can shutdown the computer using custom made shortcut.This shortcut can be place whereever you want.
Lets us start
Create a file “shutdown.bat” on your desktop
Right click -edit
Add this lines to it
shutdown -s

Save it
Replace -s with -r if you want to restart the computer
You can add timmer by using -t.Here timer is set to 60 seconds
shutdown -s -t 60
You can also display a messegae when the timer starts.
shutdown -s -t 120 -c "Please save your work."
Creating abort shutdown shortcut button
It will come in handy if you accidentally clicked the shutdown button.
Create a file” abortshutdown.bat”
Edit and add this lines
shutdown -a
This shortcuts are very useful for task scheduling.You can even compile them to .exe program using Batch file compiler and give them nice decent icons.

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